To stop being miserable every time I need to center something with CSS, I decided to really take an interest at what CSS is and how it works, and I thought the best way to have fun with that was to reproduce websites that I think look great or that made interesting design choices. I knew it was possible to do all kind of stuff without Javascript but I had no idea how. Responsive design was a complete mystery for me.
Below you will find resizable "copy" of Medium, Polygon and Instagram made only with HTML and CSS. Each of them were interesting to work on for different reason (I think Polygon was my favourite, the layout really changes between "mobile" and "desktop" versions!)
I am aware that CSS is not that simple : I only made the homepage of the websites without caring that much about compatibility with older browsers, or making it easy for other to work on my code. The focus here was really to discover CSS (and again have fun in the process).
Note: To make the websites below react when resized, the library css-element-queries was used. Also the CSS had to be adjusted a lit bit. The unaltered version are available on Codepen.